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The First Step to your Family’s Health

People-Centered Care

People-Centered Care means putting people and their families at the center of decisions and seeing them as true partners, as team members, working with healthcare providers to provide the best services and get the best outcomes.

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17 Aug 2023

PHCC to Launch ‘Back to School’ Campaign On August 27

Coinciding with the start of the new academic year 2023-2024, the Primary Health Care Cor...

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13 Aug 2023

PHCC Encourage Patients with Obesity and Chronic Diseases Due to Following Unhealthy Lifestyles to Benefit from The Health Coach Clinic

Under the Department of Preventive Health, Wellness programs provide a unique service, th...

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10 Aug 2023

PHCC Rolls out Case Management Services in Primary Health Care Centers: Family Medicine Phase Two

Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) announces the rollout of Case Management Services to al...

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