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Back to School Protocol: PHCC advises precautionary measures during COVID-19 for Government Schools

06 Sep 2020

With the State of Qatar implementing Phase 4 of the COVID-19 Qatar National Response Action Pl...

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Dr Dina

PHCC advices for people planning international travel

01 Sep 2020

With several countries opening their borders, it appears that many of our pre-COVID-19 travel ...

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Moudhi Al-Hajiri, Director of the Dietetics and Community Services at PHCC, on Healthy Nutrition

15 Aug 2020

Moudhi Al-Hajri, Director of the Dietetics and Community Services at PHCC.

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“we look after you, wherever you may be” campaign

01 Aug 2020

To introduce and promote the services of 27 PHCC health centers across Qatar


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